Have YOU Completed Your Network Profile Yet?

Have you updated your Nos Lumine Network profile yet? This resource is available to you, whether you are a BUSINESS Member (our free membership) or LEADERSHIP Member (participating in a weekly group).

If not, log in and check out your profile to start. It should only take you a few minutes! Leadership Network member Keith Luscher gives you a guided Tour!


Keith F. Luscher

About the Author

Keith F. Luscher

Keith Luscher handles network development for Nos Lumine. He is also a a member of St. Catharine Parish in Columbus, a 3rd Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, and Financial Secretary for the Council #11354. As principal of SYP Media, he alleviates the pain experienced by business leaders who suffer from marketing tech overwhelm and internal paralysis. Using an integrated & managed Know, Like & Trust Framework​™, clients get confidently clear and focused on message, and consistently reach out to attract people, engage them as prospects, and convert them to customers.

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