That Huge Rock | 0359 Nos Lumine Session 10.28 [Legacy]
SESSION 0359 – That Huge Rock A king had a huge rock placed in the center of the only road into the village. He watched one after another whine, complain – even curse him – for their inconvenience; turn and leave A lone peasant came along found a limb and a log; made a lever…

About the Author
Jim Gernetzke
Jim Gernetzke is a John Maxwell-trained and certified business coach and teacher leveraging his 35-plus years' experience in recruiting, personal development and coaching to help individuals become the BEST version of themselves. As a lifelong and devout Catholic, he recognized that too many Catholic business professionals are leading divided lives. Nos Lumine is an answer to that dilemma, helping Catholics transform themselves, and the culture, one person at a time.