Be Patient | 0338 Nos Lumine Session 10.07 [Legacy]
SESSION 0338 Be Patient If you have so many defects, why are you surprised to find defects in others? — St. Josemaría Escrivá I need to be more patient with others – it starts with me being more patient with me. Jesus, meek and divinely patient, teach me the secret of true patience. —Divine Intimacy,…

About the Author
Jim Gernetzke
Jim Gernetzke is a John Maxwell-trained and certified business coach and teacher leveraging his 35-plus years' experience in recruiting, personal development and coaching to help individuals become the BEST version of themselves. As a lifelong and devout Catholic, he recognized that too many Catholic business professionals are leading divided lives. Nos Lumine is an answer to that dilemma, helping Catholics transform themselves, and the culture, one person at a time.