We talk a lot about the virtue of justice in my circles. Not as in criminal justice―law and order justice―but justice toward people. Justice is giving everyone what’s due to them, given their dignity as a human person.
It’s hope, not wishful thinking, by which we persevere in pursuit of what we’re seeking. We all “hope” for what we perceive as good things―even though they’re finite: health, career, a great marriage, happy successful kids, financial security. And we endure a lot of pain and suffering in pursuit of them. Need we?
As we come together (either physically or “in spirit”) to celebrate the Incarnation of our Lord (aka Christmas), we also close out what we can all agree has been an exceptionally challenging year. Further, many of us look to 2021 with either hope or great uncertainty…most likely a little bit of both. The celebration of Christmas, even in these uniquely challenging times, still brings to mind the classical imagery of the Nativity. This includes the three wise men being led to the birthplace of Jesus by the Star of Bethlehem…a singular bright light in an ocean of darkness.
Of the fire fighters to lose their lives in New York City on September 11, 2001, Father Mychal Judge was among the first. As NYFD Chaplain, he was known to begin each day began with, “Lord, take me where you want me to go. Let me meet who you want me to meet.” We can only presume that he recited that same prayer on that fateful morning. The Lord guided him, and Fr. Judge followed…into eternity.
This is a very troubling time in our country. It’s an election year and there are some serious divides between citizens. Heels are dug in so deep, that many of us are unable to even talk to one another. I’m imagining two vast armies amassed on opposite sides of a very wide and deep river.
One of the most pressing issues we’re facing amidst this COVID-19 crisis is a shortage of lumber and many other building materials. People are discovering how much they took for granted—and a hard, common sense truth: You need lumber before you can build anything.
Why are we so quick to respond from our reptile brains and egos? Let me tell you what happened to me the other day. It’s mind boggling how things escalate out of control.
Why are we so quick to respond from our reptile brains and egos? Let me tell you what happened to me the other day. It’s mind boggling how things escalate out of control.